Wednesday, June 15, 2011

July 16: Show Us Your Thing at Gallows Gallery at VLAD the Retailer

HACK presents Show Us Your Thing, a two hour exhibition at Vlad the Retailer.

Where:  Gallows Gallery at Vlad the Retailer.

When:  Saturday, July 16 from 4-6pm.

Why:  Show Us Your Thing invites you to bring one drawing on paper of something you really like. It can be anything you really like. Really. Anything. Just draw it, get to VLAD the Retailer, hang it up and unwind with some really swell people. For space sake, let’s keep it no larger than 11”x14”, unframed. We’ll have push pins. You can tell us about your thing or simply let your thing speak for itself. You can spend 5 minutes on it or an eternity, we just wanna see that thing you love and how you draw it. Show us what you got, we don’t judge…

Anyone who can draw is welcome to take part in this special exhibition opportunity. If you can’t draw, pretend like you can ‘cause you might meet a friend who could one day save your life.

Vlad the Retailer is at 704 Heliotrope Drive, just north of Melrose. Arrive at 4:00pm so you can claim a good spot on the wall. Bring some food to share or be selfish and grab some ice cream at Scoops or a cup of joe from Cafecito Organico for yourself. Suggested $3 donation jug on-site to thank VLAD for his kindness and to help keep VLAD alive. Or better yet, buy something from him. He’ll like that.

This exhibition is presented by HACK (Hollywood Artists Critical Kollective).

Any questions? Just keep it to yourself, draw something and bring it to VLAD. Drawing is keen and HACK loves you already.

Show Us Your Thing.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Thank you artists and Raid!

Thank you to all who came out today for HACK at RAID.  There were about 16 smartypants in attendance on this June Gloom day!  It was so great to be part of a lively group of dedicated art viewers.

Big thanks to Carrie Mcilwain at RAID for being a gracious and perceptive host and SPECIAL thanks to the three talented artists who allowed us to discuss their work:

Cathy Weiss:

Burton Rein:

Amy Maloof:

Look out for a special HACK event (Show Us Your Thing) happening in early July!

HACK Loves You.